Be it the COVID -19 pandemic or any other disease outbreak, WASH services help you protect yourself from these dangers. Water, Sanitation, and Hygiene are what’s all meant by WASH!

Image by Lteixeira via pixabay
WASH services strive to create awareness about frequent and proper hand hygiene benefits. These services also work continuously to improve facilities everywhere for washing hands. This indeed can reduce the spread of the current global pandemic.
Who should take WASH services?
Everyone and every institute/company should take WASH very seriously. It’s not just the schools, homes, and health care facilities. This is why even the properties such as Dorsett Wanchai Hong Kong have implemented WASH tips and have joined the group of Hong Kong hotels with hygiene measures fulfilling their social responsibility.
WASH also focuses on the most vulnerable
UN-Habitat has stated that COVID -19 will impact the most vulnerable communities in the world. This includes the poor. Thus, WASH strives to provide easy water access to them with sanitation facilities.
The benefits
It’s not just about beating the COVID -19 outbreak. But also, about facing all other community challenges together. It’s about reducing the overall number of deaths due to infectious diseases each year.
WASH stands for water, sanitation, and hygiene services, and the awareness campaigns and infrastructure development campaigns done by them are for a better world in the future.